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Hydrologic Networks Branch (HNB) clear filter
Monday, July 15

8:00am CDT

Continuous Water-Quality: Best practices for Calibrations and Field Procedures
Monday July 15, 2024 8:00am - 12:00pm CDT
Calibrations, Field Procedures and Demos, Oh My! Are you interested in best practices for Continuous Water Quality? This course will go over fundamentals of continuous water-quality calibrations and field procedures and include on-site demos and exercises. Students should bring a laptop.

Cory Kavan

Hydrologist, USGS
avatar for Taylor Camper

Taylor Camper

Hydrologic Technician, USGS: Western WA Field Office
I have been with the Survey since 2017, the first 6 years with the VA-WV WSC and 1 year with the Western WA Field Office. During my career, I have worked primarily in QW, focused on continuous and discrete water-quality work. I have made plenty of mistakes, but they have all been... Read More →
avatar for Ernie McCoy

Ernie McCoy

Hydrologic Technician, USGS-Dakota WSC
Hydrotech at the Grand Forks field office in North Dakota. I started as a student the summer of 09, graduated from UND with a bachelors degree in Environmental Geoscience. I stream gage, collect discrete samples and run continuous monitors collecting the big five.

Kim Shaffer

Hydrologist, U.S. Geological Survey
Kimberly Shaffer has a degree in Civil Engineering from The Ohio State University and has worked for the U.S. Geological Survey for the past 26 years. As a hydrologist, she has collected and published streamflow, water-quality, and water-use data. In 2021, Kim became the Continuous... Read More →

Justin Krahulik

Hydrologic Technician, USGS

Brent Hall

Hydrologist, USGS
Monday July 15, 2024 8:00am - 12:00pm CDT
Midway 5

8:00am CDT

Writing Format Statements for Decoding Time-Series Data (Break at Noon for Lunch 1 Hr))
Monday July 15, 2024 8:00am - 3:00pm CDT
Become proficient with format statements used in DECAP! We will cover skip, check, scan, dates, times, format labels, data types, delimiters and more! The pace will be for beginners, but content will also serve as a comprehensive overview and refresher for those with experience as well.
avatar for Laura Flight

Laura Flight

Supervisory Hydrologist, USGS
ShortLaura began her USGS career in 1995 as a summer student and was hired full-time in 1997 as a Hydrologic Technician running surface water and groundwater field trips and computing records. Over time she started doing LDM duties, teaching courses, and testing NWIS applications... Read More →
avatar for Amarys Acosta

Amarys Acosta

Hydrologic Technician, USGS
Amarys started her career in 2008 as a Hydrologic Technician in Ft. Lauderdale, FL with the USGS Florida Water Science Center (now Caribbean Florida Water Science Center). Her work involved construction, programming, monitoring, calibrating, and maintenance of remote tidal index-velocity... Read More →
Monday July 15, 2024 8:00am - 3:00pm CDT
Midway 3+4

1:00pm CDT

Sediment Acoustics Workshop
Monday July 15, 2024 1:00pm - 5:00pm CDT
During this sediment acoustics workshop we'll be unveiling the Surrogate Analysis and Index Developer (SAID) 2.0 software, we'll also work though the development of a sediment acoustic surrogate model, how to implement the model for computation in Aquarius, and how to publish the model using the Model Archive Summary. The workshop will also include exercises in processing ADCP files though the Sediment Transect Acoustics (STA) software for computation of SSC from ADCP transects and generation of Cross-Section 2-D concentration plots.
avatar for Paul Diaz

Paul Diaz

Hydrologist, USGS
Paul is a Hydrologist splitting time with the Hydrologic Networks Branch and Oregon Water Science Center.  Paul leads numerous projects involving sediment acoustic monitoring, hyperspectral imagery, and several other emerging technologies for measuring water and sediment.  Paul... Read More →
avatar for Justin Boldt

Justin Boldt

Hydrologist, USGS
Justin is a Hydrologist for the USGS Ohio-Kentucky-Indiana Water Science Center in Louisville, KY. He began his career with the USGS in 2010 as a student working for the Office of Surface Water out of the Urbana, Illinois office. In 2013, he graduated from the University of Illinois... Read More →
Monday July 15, 2024 1:00pm - 5:00pm CDT
Midway 11

1:00pm CDT

Continuous Water-Quality Records Refresher
Monday July 15, 2024 1:00pm - 5:00pm CDT
The USGS maintains a large network of real-time continuous water-quality instruments to assess conditions in surface and groundwater. Throughout the country, there are over 2,500 sites where the big 5 parameters (temperature, specific conductance, pH, dissolved oxygen, and turbidity) are monitored. These continuous water-quality data are available to the public (WaterQualityWatch, National Water Information System, and USGS National Water Dashboard). USGS data are known for the high quality and accuracy, which means that staff must apply data corrections consistently. Staff often need instruction on records corrections, computation, and processing using AQUARIUS Time Series (TS). This refresher presents concepts and procedures for record computation outlined in Techniques and Methods Report Book 1, Section D3 titled "Guidelines and Standard Procedures of Continuous Water-Quality Monitors Station Operation, Record Computation and Data Reporting." Staff that are involved in the collection and processing of continuous water-quality monitoring data and interested in better understanding continuous water-quality monitoring records computation are encouraged to attend. This is not intended to replace QW2298, but to offer staff an opportunity to get hands-on training and assistance in water-quality records. Staff should bring questions!

Kim Shaffer

Hydrologist, U.S. Geological Survey
Kimberly Shaffer has a degree in Civil Engineering from The Ohio State University and has worked for the U.S. Geological Survey for the past 26 years. As a hydrologist, she has collected and published streamflow, water-quality, and water-use data. In 2021, Kim became the Continuous... Read More →
Monday July 15, 2024 1:00pm - 5:00pm CDT
Midway 5
Tuesday, July 16

1:00pm CDT

The 411 on Continuous Water-Quality (CWQ): Find out the latest on CWQ efforts, resources, and updates
Tuesday July 16, 2024 1:00pm - 1:20pm CDT
The USGS Continuous Water-Quality community maintains a large network of real-time instruments. Throughout the country, the USGS is collecting over 6,000 continuous water-quality datasets at over 2,500 sites and measuring more than 8 water-quality parameters (temperature, specific conductance, pH, dissolved oxygen, turbidity, nitrate, chlorophyll, and Fluorescent Dissolved Organic Matter (fDOM)). Discover what CWQ resources are available for staff, who to contact with questions or suggestions, and what efforts are in progress. This is the 411 on Continuous Water Quality.

Kim Shaffer

Hydrologist, U.S. Geological Survey
Kimberly Shaffer has a degree in Civil Engineering from The Ohio State University and has worked for the U.S. Geological Survey for the past 26 years. As a hydrologist, she has collected and published streamflow, water-quality, and water-use data. In 2021, Kim became the Continuous... Read More →
Tuesday July 16, 2024 1:00pm - 1:20pm CDT
Regency Ballroom A

1:00pm CDT

Developing a New Unified Field Data Collection Application
Tuesday July 16, 2024 1:00pm - 2:20pm CDT
Do you use SVMAQ/SVMobileAQ, Superfly, QRev, RIVRS, or SedFF to collect surface water, groundwater, water quality, or meteorological data? Do you manage field crews that use these applications? Are you a Local Data Manager that configures these applications for field users? If you answered "yes" to any of those questions, please come to this listening session with your likes, gripes, and ideas.
avatar for Laura Flight

Laura Flight

Supervisory Hydrologist, USGS
ShortLaura began her USGS career in 1995 as a summer student and was hired full-time in 1997 as a Hydrologic Technician running surface water and groundwater field trips and computing records. Over time she started doing LDM duties, teaching courses, and testing NWIS applications... Read More →
Tuesday July 16, 2024 1:00pm - 2:20pm CDT
Grand Ballroom C

1:00pm CDT

Rating Review Toolbox (RRT) Demo and Q&A
Tuesday July 16, 2024 1:00pm - 2:20pm CDT
The Rating Review Toolbox (RRT) is expected to fully replace the Rating Development Toolbox within the AQUARIUS Time-Series software around the time of the workshop. Basic functionality and common tripping points will be demonstrated followed by a questions and answers session where presenter and attendees can share available knowledge.
avatar for Wade Walker

Wade Walker

USGS AQ-TS Product Owner, USGS
Current USGS AQUARIUS Time-Series product owner who represents the USGS stake in the software and helps enable new USGS work within it. Spent 20 years as a Hydrologic Technician in Pueblo, CO, doing just about all types of data collection we have and developing grassroots software... Read More →
Tuesday July 16, 2024 1:00pm - 2:20pm CDT
Grand Ballroom A

1:00pm CDT

Joint HNB-OQA Listening Session on Field Support Needs
Tuesday July 16, 2024 1:00pm - 2:20pm CDT
Staff from the Hydrologic Networks Branch (HNB) and Office of Quality Assurance (OQA) will present their respective roles and expertise in field support and let attendees describe their support needs, ask questions, etc. This is an open house style event, where attendees can come and go. In HNB, participants include staff in the HNB Field Support and Research to Operations Team. In OQA, participants include the Technical Quality Assurance Advisors.

Jeffery East

Technical Quality Assurance Advisor, USGS
avatar for Michelle Sneed

Michelle Sneed

Technical Quality Assurance Advisor for Groundwater Science, Office of Quality Assurance
avatar for Tim Straub

Tim Straub

Field Support and Research to Operations Supervisor, Hydrologic Networks Branch, Observing Systems Division, WMA
avatar for Molly Wood

Molly Wood

Hydrologic Networks Branch Chief, USGS WMA
Tuesday July 16, 2024 1:00pm - 2:20pm CDT
Midway 10

1:30pm CDT

Continuous Water-Quality Community - Networking/Meet your Peers Session
Tuesday July 16, 2024 1:30pm - 2:20pm CDT
Learn more about the USGS Continuous Water-Quality Community at this facilitated networking session. Meet your colleagues, make contacts, and discuss parameters and processes. Ever wish you had more time to ask peers about equipment or a challenge? Great ideas often come by having conversations with people about a shared problem or interest. During this session, employees will get the opportunity to share perspectives with a subset of peers working on the same topics.

Kim Shaffer

Hydrologist, U.S. Geological Survey
Kimberly Shaffer has a degree in Civil Engineering from The Ohio State University and has worked for the U.S. Geological Survey for the past 26 years. As a hydrologist, she has collected and published streamflow, water-quality, and water-use data. In 2021, Kim became the Continuous... Read More →
Tuesday July 16, 2024 1:30pm - 2:20pm CDT
Regency Ballroom A

2:00pm CDT

Equipment Tracking in the Field with NOMS InTrac
Tuesday July 16, 2024 2:00pm - 2:20pm CDT
Come learn about the latest in field equipment tracking! This presentation will introduce InTrac, a mobile-friendly and offline-capable application designed to unify instrument tracking efforts across the Water Enterprise. A product of the Network Operations Management System (NOMS) project, InTrac will allow you to update the status and location of your equipment with the scan of a barcode. Tune in to see a preview of the application and provide feedback about current and future features.
avatar for Travis Adams

Travis Adams

Computer Scientist, USGS - SAWSC
Tuesday July 16, 2024 2:00pm - 2:20pm CDT
Midway 5

2:00pm CDT

Data collection and management issues for the National Water Quality Network - Groundwater
Tuesday July 16, 2024 2:00pm - 2:20pm CDT
This presentation will cover the essential issues for those involved in the groundwater sampling effort for the National Water Quality Network. Some field sampling issues will be discussed. However, the focus will be on the cycle of management and the importance of the steps needed to maintain the networks at optimal size, provide timely flow of data, and how the various forms and data provided by the sampling crews are used. The presentation will discuss these issues from the user's perspective so that the sampling crews have a better understanding of the essential steps to ensuring the health and longevity of the network to evaluate groundwater quality trends in the nation.
Tuesday July 16, 2024 2:00pm - 2:20pm CDT
Midway 1+2

2:00pm CDT

Exploring New Methods for Measuring Discharge Under Ice
Tuesday July 16, 2024 2:00pm - 2:20pm CDT
The Colorado WSC is exploring new methods to calculate real time discharge under the ice which hopefully leads to safer and more accurate data collection. We are also looking at discrete discharge measurement techniques that require only a few holes to be drilled in the ice. Techniques include tracer measurements (i.e. salt dilution), and the PC method which only requires a stage-area rating and few holes drilled around the y-axis to record a maximum instream velocity with a current meter or ADCP, and in this case an upward looking ADVM and streamside edge computing.
avatar for Matt Nicotra

Matt Nicotra

Physical Scientist, USGS
Surface Water quantification. 
Tuesday July 16, 2024 2:00pm - 2:20pm CDT
Midway 8

3:00pm CDT

NWIS Time-Series and Discrete Data Workflows
Tuesday July 16, 2024 3:00pm - 3:20pm CDT
Come learn about the NWIS Time-Series and Discrete Data Workflows! This presentation on the NWIS Workflows Assessment and Improvement Project will show how the establishment of a "national consensus" workflow will help both the Water Science Centers and the NWIS Modernization program. Time-series workflows have recently been shared as standardized workflows capturing the "national consensus" workflow. Let's work together to find the "national consensus" workflow for discrete data. WSCs and YOU will benefit from Water Enterprise solutions that support more efficient, lean tools associated with "national consensus" workflows. NWIS Modernization will gain focus and energy behind key investments identified with the help from our WSCs and this project team.
avatar for Mike Colombo

Mike Colombo

Hydrologist, USGS
Like many in the USGS, I began my career as a summer student learning stream gaging, discrete water-quality sampling, sediment sampling, and lake sampling. Upon completing graduate school, I continued with the USGS as a Hydrologist performing investigative, water-quality studies... Read More →
Tuesday July 16, 2024 3:00pm - 3:20pm CDT
Midway 9

3:00pm CDT

Superfly: Updates and Modifications to the National Version
Tuesday July 16, 2024 3:00pm - 3:50pm CDT
An overview of Superfly, the nationally supported electronic field form. The Superfly team will explain the new versions of superfly and how it has been adapted to fit new systems, such as AQS+. The Superfly team will demo how to modify the output of Superfly, review and output Superfly batch files, and customize Superfly for individual projects. Users will be able to see the form in action for common workflows, ask questions and learn about the future of Superfly. A Q&A session will occur at the end for suggestions for future improvements of Superfly.”
Tuesday July 16, 2024 3:00pm - 3:50pm CDT
Grand Ballroom A

3:00pm CDT

Discrete Water-Quality Sampling - Overview of the USGS PFAS Sampling Strategy-
Tuesday July 16, 2024 3:00pm - 3:50pm CDT
This session will cover various aspects of the USGS PFAS sampling strategy.
It will include the development of the strategy and results from preliminary evaluations in cleaning protocols, material selection and techniques.
Target audience: Staff who are collecting discrete water-quality samples for PFAS analysis.
avatar for Lee Bodkin

Lee Bodkin

I am the water-quality specialist for the south-Atlantic water science center (GA/NC/SC - aka SAWSC) and sit in the Raleigh, NC office.I started with the USGS in 2007 as a hydro-tech in the Gulf Coast program office of the OK-TX WSC, became a hydrologist in 2009 and became the QW... Read More →
avatar for Joe Duris

Joe Duris

Water-quality Specialist, USGS-PAWSC
Tuesday July 16, 2024 3:00pm - 3:50pm CDT
Regency Ballroom A

3:00pm CDT

Aquarius Station Analysis (AQSA)
Tuesday July 16, 2024 3:00pm - 4:50pm CDT
The team will provide an overview of the AQSA (Aquarius Station Analysis) process that integrates AQTS data and entered information with SIMS/RMS to generate Station Analysis. This Automated Records project work will be released sometime in August 2024.
Tuesday July 16, 2024 3:00pm - 4:50pm CDT
Midway 10

3:00pm CDT

All Things Datum: Establishment, Storage, and Policy - An interactive Discussion
Tuesday July 16, 2024 3:00pm - 4:50pm CDT
This discussion will offer short presentations related to best practices for datum establishment and error analysis - along with metadata, storage, and datum revisions. Discussion drivers will be interspersed among this session to promote interaction among those participating.

Arthur Lilienthal

Hydrologist, USGS
avatar for Paul Rydlund

Paul Rydlund

CMWSC / HNB Affiliate, U.S. Geological Survey
Chief – Hydrology and Hydraulics Modeling Section – Central Midwest Water Science Center – USGS. Paul serves as the Federal Liaison Officer for FEMA Mission Assignments and works within the Water Hazards Program and Hydrologic Networks Branch serving in advisory and technical... Read More →
Tuesday July 16, 2024 3:00pm - 4:50pm CDT
Midway 11

3:30pm CDT

State of the Science for Sediment Acoustics
Tuesday July 16, 2024 3:30pm - 3:50pm CDT
Acoustic instrumentation can be used to accurately and cost-effectively provide time-series and discrete estimates of suspended-sediment concentration, load, and sediment particle sizes, which are essential for creating informed solutions to many sediment-related environmental, engineering, and land management concerns. Historically, scientists have developed relations between suspended sediment characteristics and other parameters, most commonly measured streamflow, to estimate sediment information when physical sediment samples can’t be collected. Approaches using streamflow can have substantial accuracy limitations because of hysteresis effects, however. As a result, the use of more direct surrogate methods such as acoustic methods have become increasingly important. Interagency efforts in recent years have advanced the testing, methods development, operational guidelines, and training on acoustic methods for measuring suspended sediment. Scientists and technicians interested in using these methods are faced with many decisions on type of application and deployment: horizontal profiling, vertical profiling, or point acoustic instruments; single or multi-frequency instruments; continuous or discrete sediment measurements; and fixed or mobile instrument deployments. To promote cost effective, accurate, and high-resolution fluvial sediment data for the Nation, the interagency Sediment Acoustic Leadership Team (SALT) develops technical guidance and training for using acoustic instruments to measure aquatic sediment. Even though acoustic instrumentation has been used successfully to measure suspended-sediment characteristics through the world, some deployments have been unsuccessful because of limited technical guidance and selection of an inappropriate method. To guide decisions on method selection, the SALT has compiled the state of the science for the main types of acoustics-based suspended-sediment measurement methods in development, testing, and use, and has created a flowchart to guide method selection.
avatar for Paul Diaz

Paul Diaz

Hydrologist, USGS
Paul is a Hydrologist splitting time with the Hydrologic Networks Branch and Oregon Water Science Center.  Paul leads numerous projects involving sediment acoustic monitoring, hyperspectral imagery, and several other emerging technologies for measuring water and sediment.  Paul... Read More →
Tuesday July 16, 2024 3:30pm - 3:50pm CDT
Grand Ballroom C

4:00pm CDT

Indirect Measurements: Best Practices
Tuesday July 16, 2024 4:00pm - 4:50pm CDT
This session will provide an overview of various indirect measurement methods (slope-area, culvert flow, contracted openings) and guidance on identification of high-water marks, field survey procedures, and computing and analyzing indirect measurements of peak flow.
avatar for Karl Winters

Karl Winters

National Flood Coordinator, USGS
Karl serves as the National Flood Coordinator, and a Surface-Water Specialist in the Hydrologic Networks Branch. He provides operational support and coordination of USGS flood response, as well as training and support for flood documentation and modeling, and computation of streamflow... Read More →
Tuesday July 16, 2024 4:00pm - 4:50pm CDT
Regency Ballroom C

4:00pm CDT

Graphing and Synthesizing Continuous and Discrete Water-Quality Data
Tuesday July 16, 2024 4:00pm - 4:50pm CDT
Join us to give input on water-quality graphs!  The project, A National Tool for Graphing and Synthesizing Continuous and Discrete Water-Quality Data, was one of eleven Community of Data Integration (CDI; https://www.usgs.gov/centers/community-for-data-integration-cdi/news/congratulations-2024-cdi-awarded-projects) awarded projects in Fiscal Year 2024. The prototype tool will consist of an interactive user interface for generating advanced visualizations of water-quality parameters to compare with past data, and other parameters and locations. The proof-of-concept will result in a prioritization of graphics and plot types and a reusable tool and codebase. Learn more about the project, the programming progress, and have an opportunity to provide recommendations and suggestions to graphs!
avatar for Julia Prokopec

Julia Prokopec

Hydrologist/FIM Coordinator/Assistant Flood Coordinator, USGS
Julia Prokopec is a hydrologist in the Web Informatics & Mapping Team (WIM) in the Upper Midwest Water Science Center in St Paul, MN. She works with partners and lead developers to coordinate development and project management within WIM. She is also the USGS Flood Inundation Mapping... Read More →

Kim Shaffer

Hydrologist, U.S. Geological Survey
Kimberly Shaffer has a degree in Civil Engineering from The Ohio State University and has worked for the U.S. Geological Survey for the past 26 years. As a hydrologist, she has collected and published streamflow, water-quality, and water-use data. In 2021, Kim became the Continuous... Read More →
avatar for Amber Jones

Amber Jones

Physical Scientist/Product Owner, USGS
- I am in the Hydrologic Networks Branch of the Observing Systems in WMA.- I physically sit in Logan UT- I am involved in improving data workflows- I am the product owner for NuGo2
Tuesday July 16, 2024 4:00pm - 4:50pm CDT
Regency Ballroom A
Wednesday, July 17

8:00am CDT

Discrete Water-Quality Sampling - (part 1 of 3) What to do before discrete water-quality samples are collected
Wednesday July 17, 2024 8:00am - 8:50am CDT
This session will cover the various aspects of what is typically done before a discrete water-quality sample can be collected and options for project management.
It will include a general overview of the discrete water-quality sampling process, how to look up lab codes/schedules, what bottles are needed for what analysis, equipment blanks, filling out ASR's and other laboratory paperwork, site selection, assessing equipment needs, establishing field folders and various project related documents.
Target audience: Staff who are interested or new(er) to collecting a discrete water-quality sample or will be in the future.
avatar for Lee Bodkin

Lee Bodkin

I am the water-quality specialist for the south-Atlantic water science center (GA/NC/SC - aka SAWSC) and sit in the Raleigh, NC office.I started with the USGS in 2007 as a hydro-tech in the Gulf Coast program office of the OK-TX WSC, became a hydrologist in 2009 and became the QW... Read More →
Wednesday July 17, 2024 8:00am - 8:50am CDT
Regency Ballroom B

8:00am CDT

Automated Time-Series Records Status and Future
Wednesday July 17, 2024 8:00am - 9:20am CDT
What is the current status of Water Mission Area time-series record automation work and what does the future hold for available tools and research?
avatar for Wade Walker

Wade Walker

USGS AQ-TS Product Owner, USGS
Current USGS AQUARIUS Time-Series product owner who represents the USGS stake in the software and helps enable new USGS work within it. Spent 20 years as a Hydrologic Technician in Pueblo, CO, doing just about all types of data collection we have and developing grassroots software... Read More →
Wednesday July 17, 2024 8:00am - 9:20am CDT
Grand Ballroom A

8:30am CDT

Results from the Water Temperature Thermistor Field Test, 2022-2024
Wednesday July 17, 2024 8:30am - 9:20am CDT
Learn more about the completed field evaluation of three commercially available water temperature thermistors (Sutron AquaTemp, Forest Technology Systems (FTS) Digitemps, and Instrumentation Northwest (INW) T1 SDI-12), findings, and future steps. The three temperature thermistors were installed side-by-side at 6 different locations from Water Science Centers that volunteered for the study (locations include Hawaii, New York, Nevada, Indiana, North Carolina, and South Dakota) and operated for 18 months. Data and more information are available at Water Temperature Thermistor Field Test Sharepoint (https://doimspp.sharepoint.com/sites/usgs-Continuous-Water-Quality/SitePages/Water-Temperature-Thermistor-Field-Test.aspx).

Kim Shaffer

Hydrologist, U.S. Geological Survey
Kimberly Shaffer has a degree in Civil Engineering from The Ohio State University and has worked for the U.S. Geological Survey for the past 26 years. As a hydrologist, she has collected and published streamflow, water-quality, and water-use data. In 2021, Kim became the Continuous... Read More →
avatar for Brian McCallum

Brian McCallum

National Streamgage Network Coordinator, USGS-WMA-OSD
Brian McCallum is currently the National Streamgage Network Coordinator within the USGS Water Mission Area, Observing Systems Division. He graduated from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln with a bachelors (1991) and master’s degrees (1992) in civil engineering. He started full-time... Read More →
Wednesday July 17, 2024 8:30am - 9:20am CDT
Regency Ballroom A

9:00am CDT

What’s new with the NOMS Water Data Exploration System (WADERS)?
Wednesday July 17, 2024 9:00am - 9:20am CDT
This course will be of interest for field personnel across the Water Enterprise that have to daily QA/QC their real-time data. This product of the Network Operations Management System (NOMS) project is the planned replacement support tool for field personnel to use in lieu of NWISWeb for all sites, but particularly for sites coded with internal or cooperator-only access. This presentation will go over the latest improvements to WADERS based upon user feedback and look to gain additional user feedback for future releases.

Cary Carman

San Angelo, Texas, USGS
avatar for Chuck Hansen

Chuck Hansen

Hydrologist, USGS
Chuck Hansen is a Hydrologist with the California Water Science Center in Sacramento. He leadsa team of software and hardware engineers focusing on remote sensing and data delivery.

Colin Keating

Physical Scientist, USGS California WSC
Colin joined the USGS in 2021 as a software developer and has contributed to numerous data dissemination and mapping products including the National Water Dashboard-internal and WADERS.
Wednesday July 17, 2024 9:00am - 9:20am CDT
Grand Ballroom C

9:00am CDT

The National Flood Plan
Wednesday July 17, 2024 9:00am - 9:20am CDT
An overview of the 2024 USGS National Flood Plan, which serves to document the National level perspective of the organizational framework, decision processes, resources, and responsibilities of riverine flood response.
avatar for Karl Winters

Karl Winters

National Flood Coordinator, USGS
Karl serves as the National Flood Coordinator, and a Surface-Water Specialist in the Hydrologic Networks Branch. He provides operational support and coordination of USGS flood response, as well as training and support for flood documentation and modeling, and computation of streamflow... Read More →
Wednesday July 17, 2024 9:00am - 9:20am CDT
Midway 8

9:00am CDT

Discrete Water-Quality Sampling - (part 2 of 3) Techniques and Methods for Discrete Sample Collection (SW & GW)
Wednesday July 17, 2024 9:00am - 10:20am CDT
This session will cover the various techniques and methods used to collect a discrete water-quality sample.
It will include an overview of various discrete sampling equipment, conditions the equipment is appropriate for, techniques for using the equipment, introduction to sample processing and sample preservation.
Target audience: Staff who are interested or new(er) to collecting a discrete water-quality sample or will be in the future.

Class will Break from 9:30 to 10 am.
avatar for Lee Bodkin

Lee Bodkin

I am the water-quality specialist for the south-Atlantic water science center (GA/NC/SC - aka SAWSC) and sit in the Raleigh, NC office.I started with the USGS in 2007 as a hydro-tech in the Gulf Coast program office of the OK-TX WSC, became a hydrologist in 2009 and became the QW... Read More →
Wednesday July 17, 2024 9:00am - 10:20am CDT
Regency Ballroom B

10:00am CDT

3D scanning and 3D design software for field equipment.
Wednesday July 17, 2024 10:00am - 11:20am CDT
This presentation will cover how to use 3D CAD modeling software for designing of field equipment. There will be a discussion on the different types of 3D CAD modeling software, as well as demos. The second part of the presentation will be use of a 3D scanner and importing into CAD software.

The demo will be with Fusion 360, Free trials can be found here:  F360 free trial.

Caution: Using the free trial or hobbist trial for government work or products is against the terms of service. Our use is for training purposes only. Do not install the free trial too early, or time may elapse before the class period. 

We will be using an Einstar 3D scanner, and scanning equipment and inserting them into digital space.

Check out the Innovation Depot for cool things going on with design and testing!

avatar for Bryce Redinger

Bryce Redinger

Hydro Tech, USGS
I am a HydroTech out of the Carson City, NV office. I have been working for the USGS for just over 16 years. I have a passion for design and development of equipment and teaching. I am the training coordinator for the state of Nevada, and stream gage remote locations in Nevada as... Read More →

Wednesday July 17, 2024 10:00am - 11:20am CDT
Midway 9

10:00am CDT

Give Feedback to Your Software Product Lead
Wednesday July 17, 2024 10:00am - 11:20am CDT
Do you use any of these software applications? DECAP, MLR, Go2, AQUARIUS Time-Series, NWIS Reporting Application, QRev, RIVRS, Superfly, SVMAQ, SIMS/RMS, SLAP, WADERS. If you answered "yes" to any of them, please come to this listening session to meet the "Product Owner" (PO). The PO's job is to hear your needs and prioritize work on the application accordingly (within the constraints of budgets, of course...). So, please come meet your PO and share your feedback, ideas and concerns.
avatar for Travis Knight

Travis Knight

Hydrologist, USGS-HNB
avatar for Laura Flight

Laura Flight

Supervisory Hydrologist, USGS
ShortLaura began her USGS career in 1995 as a summer student and was hired full-time in 1997 as a Hydrologic Technician running surface water and groundwater field trips and computing records. Over time she started doing LDM duties, teaching courses, and testing NWIS applications... Read More →
avatar for Wade Walker

Wade Walker

USGS AQ-TS Product Owner, USGS
Current USGS AQUARIUS Time-Series product owner who represents the USGS stake in the software and helps enable new USGS work within it. Spent 20 years as a Hydrologic Technician in Pueblo, CO, doing just about all types of data collection we have and developing grassroots software... Read More →
avatar for Amber Jones

Amber Jones

Physical Scientist/Product Owner, USGS
- I am in the Hydrologic Networks Branch of the Observing Systems in WMA.- I physically sit in Logan UT- I am involved in improving data workflows- I am the product owner for NuGo2
avatar for Melissa Riskin

Melissa Riskin

National Water Quality Network Coordinator, USGS-WMA-OSD
Melissa Riskin is currently the Coordinator of the National Water Quality Network (NWQN-SW) within the USGS Water Mission Area, Observing Systems Division. She is also the Product Owner of the field software Superfly. Melissa graduated from the Pennsylvania State University with a... Read More →
Wednesday July 17, 2024 10:00am - 11:20am CDT
Grand Ballroom B

10:30am CDT

Q&A on Policies, Procedures, and Methods with HNB and OQA
Wednesday July 17, 2024 10:30am - 11:20am CDT
During the plenary talks, attendees will hear about OQA and OCOO efforts to advance policies, procedures, and methods (PPM) development to support the Water Enterprise. This joint session, offered by the Hydrologic Network Branch (HNB) and Office of Quality Assurance (OQA), will allow attendees to ask questions about the new PPM Function, the PPM development process, and current priorities for PPM development in the coming year.
avatar for Tim Straub

Tim Straub

Field Support and Research to Operations Supervisor, Hydrologic Networks Branch, Observing Systems Division, WMA
avatar for Molly Wood

Molly Wood

Hydrologic Networks Branch Chief, USGS WMA
Wednesday July 17, 2024 10:30am - 11:20am CDT
Grand Ballroom A

10:30am CDT

Discrete Water-Quality Sampling - (part 3 of 3) What Happens After a Discrete Water-Quality Sample has been Collected
Wednesday July 17, 2024 10:30am - 11:20am CDT
This session will cover what has to be done after a discrete water-quality sample has been collected.
It will include sample processing methods and order, sample preservation, overview of sample shipping, completing paperwork and an introduction to data review options.
Target audience: Staff who are interested or new(er) to collecting a discrete water-quality sample or will be in the future.
avatar for Lee Bodkin

Lee Bodkin

I am the water-quality specialist for the south-Atlantic water science center (GA/NC/SC - aka SAWSC) and sit in the Raleigh, NC office.I started with the USGS in 2007 as a hydro-tech in the Gulf Coast program office of the OK-TX WSC, became a hydrologist in 2009 and became the QW... Read More →
Wednesday July 17, 2024 10:30am - 11:20am CDT
Regency Ballroom B

3:00pm CDT

Telemetry Ingest and Dataflow for Non-Satellite Data Collection
Wednesday July 17, 2024 3:00pm - 4:50pm CDT
The telemetry ingest dataflow (TID) project is part of the overall NWISmod initiative that is updating internal NWIS systems to meet with current technology. The objectives of the TID project are to provide Water Science-Centers with a centralized method and infrastructure to ingest non-satellite water-data into NWIS (Cellular and machine-to-machine). The goal of the system is to eliminate the burden on Science Centers that use various methods and workarounds to publish non-satellite telemetered data into the NWIS dataflow. This presentation will introduce the TID services and include discussions and examples of field logger setup, connection to the TID service, and modifications in DECAP that will accommodate new data sources.
avatar for Jon Wilson

Jon Wilson

Hydrologist, U.S. Geological Survey
avatar for Laura Flight

Laura Flight

Supervisory Hydrologist, USGS
ShortLaura began her USGS career in 1995 as a summer student and was hired full-time in 1997 as a Hydrologic Technician running surface water and groundwater field trips and computing records. Over time she started doing LDM duties, teaching courses, and testing NWIS applications... Read More →
avatar for Erich Kessler

Erich Kessler

Erich Kessler is a hydrologist within the Western Data section of the Upper Midwest Water Science Center. He is a technical point of contact for all things surface water related within his center. On a daily basis, he performs various LDM tasks related to data collection, such as... Read More →
Wednesday July 17, 2024 3:00pm - 4:50pm CDT
Midway 11
Thursday, July 18

8:00am CDT

Getting the Most out of the NOMS National Water Dashboard-internal product
Thursday July 18, 2024 8:00am - 8:50am CDT
This course will be of interest for personnel at all levels of the Water Enterprise—from WMA coordinators down to field technicians. Using an interactive approach with attendees regarding the National Water Dashboard-internal (NWDi) operational tool, the goal is to highlight its available data resources and functionality to support field operations, and what is planned for the future. This product of the Network Operations Management System (NOMS) project is already changing the game when it comes to real-time water network awareness and assessment, and getting user feedback during this session will help to improve the product moving forward.
avatar for Brian McCallum

Brian McCallum

National Streamgage Network Coordinator, USGS-WMA-OSD
Brian McCallum is currently the National Streamgage Network Coordinator within the USGS Water Mission Area, Observing Systems Division. He graduated from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln with a bachelors (1991) and master’s degrees (1992) in civil engineering. He started full-time... Read More →
avatar for Chuck Hansen

Chuck Hansen

Hydrologist, USGS
Chuck Hansen is a Hydrologist with the California Water Science Center in Sacramento. He leadsa team of software and hardware engineers focusing on remote sensing and data delivery.
Thursday July 18, 2024 8:00am - 8:50am CDT
Midway 10

8:00am CDT

Operation and best practices for using the LISST-ABS as a suspended sediment surrogate.
Thursday July 18, 2024 8:00am - 8:50am CDT
This training course will be offered in the format of an interactive workshop. The focus will be to address topics such as: optimal conditions for the LISST-ABS, installation and maintenance, calibration verification processes, results from USGS pairing factor studies (if you intend to use the LISST-ABS in conjunction with a turbidity sensor), and future work. There will be formal presentations of materials, but the atmosphere will be flexible to accommodate open discussion and questions.
avatar for Jeb Brown

Jeb Brown

Hydrologist, USGS
Jeb Brown is a hydrologist who has been with the USGS in Albuquerque, NM since 2005. His research has focused on fluvial sediment transport, lake sediment coring, sediment surrogate technology, and research and development of emerging technology for application in hydrology studi... Read More →
Thursday July 18, 2024 8:00am - 8:50am CDT
Midway 8

8:00am CDT

Discrete Water-Quality Sampling - Information on the NWQL ASRs, cooler packing, and Information related to Contract Labs
Thursday July 18, 2024 8:00am - 8:50am CDT
This session will cover various aspects of shipping discrete water-quality samples to the National Water Quality Laboratory (NWQL).
It will include how to look up information on the NWQL internal website, LIMs v11, ASRs, and general information on contract labs.
Target audience: Staff who are sending discrete water-quality samples to the NWQL or will be in the future.
avatar for Lee Bodkin

Lee Bodkin

I am the water-quality specialist for the south-Atlantic water science center (GA/NC/SC - aka SAWSC) and sit in the Raleigh, NC office.I started with the USGS in 2007 as a hydro-tech in the Gulf Coast program office of the OK-TX WSC, became a hydrologist in 2009 and became the QW... Read More →
Thursday July 18, 2024 8:00am - 8:50am CDT
Regency Ballroom B

8:00am CDT

Quality issues and troubleshooting of water-quality monitors
Thursday July 18, 2024 8:00am - 8:50am CDT
Do you use water-quality monitors and want to learn more about troubleshooting? This course will look at common problems with water-quality monitors and will demonstrate how to identify problems and fix them.

Kim Shaffer

Hydrologist, U.S. Geological Survey
Kimberly Shaffer has a degree in Civil Engineering from The Ohio State University and has worked for the U.S. Geological Survey for the past 26 years. As a hydrologist, she has collected and published streamflow, water-quality, and water-use data. In 2021, Kim became the Continuous... Read More →
avatar for Diana Phillips

Diana Phillips

Hydrologist, USGS NYWSC
Diana Phillips has a Bachelor of Science in both Environmental Science with a specialization in Sustainability Science and Policy and in Criminal Justice from the University at Albany, SUNY. Diana has a range of streamgaging experience including surface water, groundwater, water quality... Read More →
Thursday July 18, 2024 8:00am - 8:50am CDT
Regency Ballroom A

9:00am CDT

USGS National Water Quality Network (NWQN-SW): Overview on collection and reporting
Thursday July 18, 2024 9:00am - 9:20am CDT
Understanding the water quality of U.S. streams and rivers requires consistent data collection and analysis over decades. The U.S. Geological Survey’s National Water Quality Network (NWQN) was established to facilitate national-scale understanding of surface-water quality conditions through the collection of comparable data in large rivers and small streams in different geographic and land-use settings. Data collected by the NWQN support the needs of Federal, State and local stakeholders tasked with managing our Nation’s water resources. This talk will provide an overview of the history of national-scale, surface-water quality monitoring in the USGS, current network objectives and scope, data collection and reporting methods, sampling resources as well as published products utilizing NWQN data.
avatar for Melissa Riskin

Melissa Riskin

National Water Quality Network Coordinator, USGS-WMA-OSD
Melissa Riskin is currently the Coordinator of the National Water Quality Network (NWQN-SW) within the USGS Water Mission Area, Observing Systems Division. She is also the Product Owner of the field software Superfly. Melissa graduated from the Pennsylvania State University with a... Read More →
Thursday July 18, 2024 9:00am - 9:20am CDT
Regency Ballroom B

10:00am CDT

3D design and rapid prototyping in Hydrologic science
Thursday July 18, 2024 10:00am - 10:50am CDT
From concepts to reality. In a few short key strokes an idea can be converted into a reality. This presentation will go over creation, prototyping, and field testing process for several hydrologic pieces of equipment. 

Check out the Innovation Depot for cool things going on with design and testing!
avatar for Bryce Redinger

Bryce Redinger

Hydro Tech, USGS
I am a HydroTech out of the Carson City, NV office. I have been working for the USGS for just over 16 years. I have a passion for design and development of equipment and teaching. I am the training coordinator for the state of Nevada, and stream gage remote locations in Nevada as... Read More →

Thursday July 18, 2024 10:00am - 10:50am CDT
Midway 9

10:00am CDT

Sediment Records Office Hours (and any other sediment related questions)
Thursday July 18, 2024 10:00am - 11:20am CDT
This "office hours" block of time is intended to help answer questions about your sediment records. Have a question about a site that's been bugging you? Let's talk. Want a fresh set of eyes on your sediment record? Bring it by! Never understood coefficients but didn't want to sound ignorant by asking your boss? Your secret is safe with me! The focus will be on GCLAS based sediment records, but please stop by with any sediment related questions. If I don't know it, I'll pass you off to another subject matter expert.
avatar for Jeb Brown

Jeb Brown

Hydrologist, USGS
Jeb Brown is a hydrologist who has been with the USGS in Albuquerque, NM since 2005. His research has focused on fluvial sediment transport, lake sediment coring, sediment surrogate technology, and research and development of emerging technology for application in hydrology studi... Read More →
Thursday July 18, 2024 10:00am - 11:20am CDT
Midway 8

1:00pm CDT

NuGo2 Release Update and Training
Thursday July 18, 2024 1:00pm - 1:50pm CDT
NuGo2 is ready for release! NuGo2 replaces legacy Go2, which will be decommissioned, to alert hydrographers and data managers about potential site issues and the need for site visits. This session will give an update and overview of functionality in NuGo2 followed by a training on setting up configurations. NuGo2 is a modernized version of Go2 with improved code, centralized and supported infrastructure, and broad accessibility. NuGo2 is implemented on a national level, making it available to all WSCs and supportive of broad scale diagnostics and situational awareness. NuGo2 accesses all telemetry methods, incorporates different data sources, centralizes configurations, and allows for customization including flexible parameter selection.
avatar for Amber Jones

Amber Jones

Physical Scientist/Product Owner, USGS
- I am in the Hydrologic Networks Branch of the Observing Systems in WMA.- I physically sit in Logan UT- I am involved in improving data workflows- I am the product owner for NuGo2
Thursday July 18, 2024 1:00pm - 1:50pm CDT
Midway 6

1:00pm CDT

Aquarius Station Analysis (AQSA)
Thursday July 18, 2024 1:00pm - 2:20pm CDT
The team will provide an overview of the AQSA (Aquarius Station Analysis) process that integrates AQTS data and entered information with SIMS/RMS to generate Station Analysis. This Automated Records project work will be released sometime in August 2024.
Thursday July 18, 2024 1:00pm - 2:20pm CDT
Midway 9

1:00pm CDT

Uncertainty in Discrete Groundwater-Level Measurements
Thursday July 18, 2024 1:00pm - 2:20pm CDT
All methods of taking groundwater-level measurements have uncertainty associated with them, and these uncertainties can be numerous and compounded. Uncertainty sources can be the instrument used for measuring the groundwater level, the equipment used to validate the measured groundwater level, conditions in and near the well, environmental conditions, and even the person measuring the water level. Variables that can affect uncertainty can include temperature, measurement depth, tape stretching or other irregularities like kinks, and well access and construction. Some sources of uncertainty are identified and quantified through testing and laboratory analysis however, some uncertainty can be subjective and require a hydrographers best judgement when in the field. In this brief presentation, various sources and variables of uncertainty will be presented with a discussion to follow on other experiences with uncertainty in groundwater-level data collection.
avatar for Jason Fine

Jason Fine

National Groundwater Networks Coordinator, USGS
Jason graduated from East Carolina University in 1994 with a bachelor's degree in geology. He began working with the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) in 1995. During his career with the USGS, he has focused on groundwater and surface-water studies and data collection efforts, mostly... Read More →

Lance Gruhn

Hydrologist, USGS
Lance Gruhn is a Hydrologist stationed in Iowa City, Iowa and is the groundwater technical and field support lead for the Hydrologic Networks Branck of the USGS Water Resources Mission Area. Lance coordinates the Groundwater Data Processing class and the Groundwater Field Techniques... Read More →
avatar for Michelle Sneed

Michelle Sneed

Technical Quality Assurance Advisor for Groundwater Science, Office of Quality Assurance
Thursday July 18, 2024 1:00pm - 2:20pm CDT
Midway 7

1:30pm CDT

Evapotranspiration and the new Li-Cor 710
Thursday July 18, 2024 1:30pm - 1:50pm CDT
Evapotranspiration (ET) is the largest flux in the water balance after precipitation. Direct measurements of ET using micrometeorology and eddy covariance are expensive and require a lot of staff time for station maintenance and data processing making it cost-prohibitive for the USGS. Last fall, Li-Cor introduced the LI-710 as a simpler and more economical one-dimension ET sensor. Through the Next-Generation Water Observing Systems R&D program, the USGS and Desert Research Institute have been evaluating the LI-710 against traditional eddy covariance measurements. The presentation and demonstration will highlight some of our current results and provide hands-on look at the sensor.
avatar for Todd Caldwell

Todd Caldwell

Research Hydrologist, U.S. Geological Survey
Thursday July 18, 2024 1:30pm - 1:50pm CDT
Grand Ballroom A

2:00pm CDT

SHARE-DLS, an advanced datalogger and script programming depot.
Thursday July 18, 2024 2:00pm - 2:20pm CDT
A presentation on the Datalogger scripts and programming depot. Where a repository of scripts and training material for programming of dataloggers and wiring of complex gage structures to support the custom programming.

Use the Script tracker 9000 and discover scripts and code that can make your field data a breeze. 

USGS Internal SharePoint: Script Tracker 9000

avatar for Travis Knight

Travis Knight

Hydrologist, USGS-HNB
avatar for Bryce McClenney

Bryce McClenney

hydro tech, USGS-South Atlantic
I am presenting on both the GNSS and Storm Response tracks. I have been involved with both GNSS and storm response campaigns all over the country and hope to convey some of my lessons learned as well as learn from others.
avatar for Bryce Redinger

Bryce Redinger

Hydro Tech, USGS
I am a HydroTech out of the Carson City, NV office. I have been working for the USGS for just over 16 years. I have a passion for design and development of equipment and teaching. I am the training coordinator for the state of Nevada, and stream gage remote locations in Nevada as... Read More →

Thursday July 18, 2024 2:00pm - 2:20pm CDT
Grand Ballroom B

2:00pm CDT

Overview of the National Atmospheric Deposition Program
Thursday July 18, 2024 2:00pm - 2:20pm CDT
The USGS-National Atmospheric Deposition Program (NADP) has been an NADP partner agency since 1981. USGS is one of many Federal and State agencies of the National Trends Network (NTN) and provides funding for 82 out of a total of 263 NTN sites, the largest Federal funding contributor of all participating agencies. Weekly precipitation samples are collected and shipped to a central laboratory that analyzes the amount and type of atmospheric constituents in the precipitation sample. The NTN provides scientists, resource managers, and policymakers with long-term, high-quality atmospheric deposition data used to support research and decision-making in the areas of air quality, water quality, agricultural effects, forest productivity, materials effects, ecosystem studies, watershed studies, and human health.

Ryan McCammon

USGS-NADP Coordinator
Thursday July 18, 2024 2:00pm - 2:20pm CDT
Regency Ballroom B

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